Breathing New Life Into the Buckeye Block
If you are a business owner and are not on the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce Train, I suggest you jump on right now. Small business has always been the heart of our town, and in 2023, Chamber will be rolling forward with a project that will become the cornerstone of our town, attracting new customers for your business.
On March 22, 2014 our town’s business and historical district experienced a tragic event as the historic Buckeye Block caught fire and, despite the best efforts of our local and area first responders, burned to the ground. Gone with this fire were businesses that attracted shoppers and visitors to our town. Also lost was a historical building that represented the rich history of our community.
Since March 22, 2022 the Buckeye block has sat vacant…until now.
In September, 2022 a vision began to evolve. The vision was to rebuild the Buckeye Block into something that would attract people to our community so our small business could thrive. The vision emerged as an outdoor venue that could be enjoyed from many areas, would attract people from the area and would honor the rich history of the Buckeye Block.
First, the Chamber needed the Buckeye Block property. Throughout the fall we worked closely with owner, Mike Maschek. When the vision was shared with Mike, he jumped on board and agreed to sell the property to Chamber.
Next, Chamber wanted to bring their vision of a historically-rich outdoor venue to life to share with others. We engaged The Pattie Group, a local landscape design firm to share our vision. Like Mr. Maschek, The Pattie Group jumped on the Chamber train and agreed to donate their design services to help bring the vision to life.
In December, Tim Beaumont from The Pattie Group presented the first visual renderings of the Buckeye Block Stage to members of the Chamber and community. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and Chamber plans to break ground this spring on this exciting project.
The first phase of the project will include all plantings, the historical archway, fencing and grading for the walkways and stage. The first phase will be paid for with funding from the Garrettsville Strong Fund that comes with the purchase of the property ($45,048.69). GarrettsvilleStrong monies will be used for construction & development of the land.
Phase two of the project will include the construction of the Buckeye Block Stage and include storage and electrical components for outdoor events. Phase two will be paid for with funds generated through a “Raise the Stage” campaign that will kick off later this spring and include the sale of bricks, name plates, recurring donations and benches.
The Chamber is also currently working to make the Buckeye Block a historical landmark in Ohio since multiple presidents have spoken at the site. Securing this designation will open up doors to additional grant funding for the project.
So, if you have not made your business resolution yet, make it now. Hop on the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce train. We are going places!